Monday, December 22, 2008

The Beatitudes: Yoga of Christ

About 4 years ago I experienced the love for a women like I had never experienced it before.

It took me by surprise and opened places in me that I didn’t even know were there. Love reached down into my being and began to shift who and what I thought of as me. What I thought of as me was dissolving in the experience of this Love. All the paradigms that held my life together began to crumble. It was at that point I recognized that I am not a teacher, I am not a guru. I am nothing and that Love is Everything. Love is the Teacher. Love is the Guru. Love is the Guiding Force. The Love that was blossoming in and through me began to transform my life and ways of being in the world.

But this story of Love for a woman is only the introduction for the short video clip that I’m showing you below. More about this love affair and this beautiful woman another time.

It was about four years ago, on a pleasantly warm and beautiful day on the Indonesian island of Bali that l went to visit the women I was in love with. She was visiting and studying at the Ashram of a man calling himself Jayem. When Jayem (John Marc Hammer) walked up to greet me, I instantly felt that I liked him. He teaches about Christ Consciousness and became known for channeling Jesus. He calls Jesus by his Aramaic name, Jeshua, which was the ancient language at the time he lived. Jesus is the Greek translation of the original Aramic. Soon he began telling me about the Beatitudes. He was excited and inspired about the Beatitudes and wanted to make them focus of his teaching.

When he told me about the Beatitudes I said, “This is the yoga of Christ.” It is just like Patanjali’s Yoga Sutres. I was excited too.

The Beatitudes are the opening words that Jesus is said to have spoken in his Sermon on the Mount as recorded in the Gospel of St. Matthew. The Gospel of St. Luke also records some of the Beatitudes in a slightly different form.

The word ‘beatitude’ itself, comes from the Latin and it means happiness or blessedness.

The Beatitudes or blessings, as they have been recorded in the English language King James version of the Bible are not the exact words of Jesus. He didn’t speak English. He spoke the language of the common people, Aramaic. Even his name, Jesus, is not the name that he was called by. In Aramaic, his name is Yeshua. The Aramaic words that he spoke and that we read in English were first translated from Aramaic into Latin, then Greek and later English. It doesn’t take much reflection to realize that the English words said to be his have probably been distorted, at least, through translation and then interpretation

Have you ever played the game of sitting in a circle and whispering a phrase into a friends ear. They then repeat it into the ear of the person sitting next to them and that person repeats it to another and another until it goes around the circle and is repeated into your ear. The original phrase is quite changed when it gets back to you, isn’t it. Imagine if the phrase was translated into different languages as it moved around the circle. You might hardly recognize the phrase that you originally spoke. I suspect Yeshua would feel the same about what he was teaching his friends and disciples when he spoke to them on the hill over looking the Sea of Galilee.

When I first heard a translation of the Beatitudes based upon the original Aramaic language and an interpretation infused with a modern understanding of psychology, pre-natal and early childhood development, the neuro-bio-chemistry of the bodymind connection and the process of breath transformation found in many spiritual traditions, I began to really understand what he was teaching.

He was teaching a path to the enlightened state of God Consciousness or Christ Mind. His teaching was a step by step description of the way to experience blessedness, happiness, inward contentedness and joy.

I loved the way Jayem articulated his understanding of Chirist Consciousness and Dvine Awakening. I asked him if I could interview him and include him in the documentary, Sacred Wisdom. He said yes. The next day we then did a two hour video shoot on his Balinese balcony overlooking the canyon and rice fields of Ubud, Bali.

I created the short video introduction on the Beatitudes one afternoon in Bali while waiting for my beloved to return home from participating in a Women’s Healing Retreat. Wait till you see some of that video footage I took of the Women’s Retreat. Wow!

The short video entitled, The Beatitudes, was put together from a few images I had on my computer, excerpts from the interview Jayem did with me and the recording of my beloved singing the Lord’s Prayer in Aramaic.

Sources for further study:
  • Jayem
  • Colleen de Winton
  • Neil Douglas Klotz

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